JWasm - Wasm
JWasm is a fork of WASM v1.7a.
The most remarkable features which have been implemented are
- local labels in procedures.
- '::' operator to allow to define a global label inside a procedure.
- PROTO directive.
- INVOKE directive.
- TYPEDEF directive.
- UNION directive.
- RECORD directive.
- nested (+anonymous) STRUCTs and UNIONs.
- LOCAL directive improved, now fully MASM compatible.
- some of Masm's OPTIONs are accepted:
- option PROC: private | public | export
- option DOTNAME | NODOTNAME (nodotname is dummy)
- option CASEMAP: none | notpublic | all (notpublic is dummy)
- option PROLOGUE: none | prologuedef | <macro name>
- option EPILOGUE: none | epiloguedef | <macro name>
- option NOKEYWORD: <reserved name>
- FLAT accepted as segment attribute.
- symbol type conflicts are now detected and reported as errors.
- EXTERNDEF accepts structured types and pointer to types.
- /Cp cmdline option added to make JWasm preserve case of identifiers.
- PROC improved: procedure parameters and locals are now true
symbols with type information and all types supported by MASM are allowed.
- /Fl cmdline switch extended, additionally displays macros, structures, records and typedefs.
- /EP cmdline switch to display preprocessed lines on stdout.
as well their macro function sisters @CatStr, @SubStr, @SizeStr
and @InStr.
- ECHO directive.
- EQU/TEXTEQU are handled exactly the way MASM does it.
- macro functions (EXITM).
- Types REAL4, REAL8 and REAL10 .
- HLL features (.IF, .ENDIF, .WHILE, .REPEAT, .BREAK, ...).
- predefined equates @Cpu and @CurSeg added.
- Conditional directives (ELSEIFB, ELSEIFIDN, ...) added.
- evaluation operator % supported.
- literal-character operator ! supported.
- -D commandline option will always define a "text macro" and won't
try to convert it to a number.
- PURGE directive.
- WHILE directive.
- ASSUME <stdreg>: ptr <qualified type> supported.
- @Environ macro function supported.
Lots of bugs have been fixed, for example:
- text equates were handled pretty different compared to the way MASM does it,
- fixup of start address now refers to the group of the start
address's segment. WASM supplied in OW v1.7a still has problems if the
start address is in a segment which isn't the first one in a group.
- EXTERNDEFs which aren't referenced in the source caused
a EXTDEF entry to be created in the object module.
- SIZEOF (sometimes?) returned double the size of a variable.
- structure field names were stored in the global symbol table.
This caused various problems and often bad code was created.
- some "reserved" words in WASM, which aren't reserved in MASM
were removed from this list: "ERROR", "PRIVATE", "COMMON", "EXPORT", "CASEMAP",...
- quotes and curly-bracket delimiting strings were removed during
the tokenisation process. This isn't MASM compatible.
- string equates were "evaluated" very early, making it impossible to
define a string equate which contained another string equate.
- a macro "local" directive caused a text equate with identical name to be
generated or changed.
- alignment argument for STRUCTs was silently ignored.
- macro parameters in the macro definition were expanded.
Thus it was impossible to give macro parameters a name
which was already used in the namespace (for example the name of a
previously defined macro).
- a macro name given as parameter in a IFDEF/IFNDEF line was "evaluated",
which is a bad idea.
- if a source line ends with a comma, it was generally concatenated with
the next line. This caused problems with invokation of macros with
"empty" arguments. The automatic concatenation is now done only if
a text item (enclosed in <> or {}) is still open at the end of the
line and last character of the line is a comma.
- If many errors occured, WASM exited and didn't delete the zero-sized object module.
- defining arrays with zero items caused a protection fault.
- it was impossible to redefine a macro.
- ALIAS directive syntax differed from MASM's one.